1. Check Pool Chemistry
You should check your pool chemistry once or twice a week during the summer and once every week or two in the winter. The pH should be kept between 7.2 and 7.8, the lower the pH on this scale the less chlorine your pool will need. As pH rises, chlorine starts becoming less and less active therefor many consumers just keep adding it. Chlorine at 7.0 pH id about 50 percent active and at 8.0 is about 10 percent active. Control pH properly and you will need and use much less chlorine.
2.Clean Out Skimmer Basket(s) Weekly
The skimmer is installed in the side of the pool, and its primary job is to skim the surface of the pool before debris and contaminants become saturated and float down to the bottom of the pool. Everything in your pool enters at the surface of the water, the effective the skimmer is, the more stuff it can skim off the pool the better. There is a round access panel on your deck; open it up and dump the contents of the basket as needed. Keep it cleaned out at all times. Â
3. Clean Pool Filters
Clean your filter regularly or as needed. We recommend cartridge filters. They provide maximum flow rates, waste little valuable water (no backwashing), get the water crystal clean, and only need to be cleaned a couple of times a year. Yes, they may need to be cleaned after a heavy storm or once every few months depending on conditions in your pool. It would be best to clean them about every 4-6 months.
